MDEC HeaderMaryland Digital Equity Coalition

The Maryland Digital Equity Coalition (MDEC) is a statewide digital equity partnership network composed of a diverse group of stakeholders, including state and local government agencies, public libraries, healthcare providers, senior centers, schools, non-profits, and community leaders. 

For questions or comments about the Maryland Digital Equity Coalition, please contact Teri Mumm.   

MDEC Mission

Connect organizations and local governments to anchor and amplify digital inclusion work in Maryland, empowering communities toward digital equity.

MDEC Vision

Foster a strong network of individuals and organizations engaged in digital inclusion. Share resources and best practices to enhance community support. Increase awareness of digital equity programs across the state. Develop resources tailored to the needs of MDEC communities, including training for digital navigators and rural county staff.


Join MDEC to participate in initiatives that bridge the digital divide in Maryland. Your engagement is crucial for fostering collaboration and driving meaningful change in our communities. Click Here to join the Maryland Digital Equity Coalition (MDEC)

Past Meetings: 


Click here to download the Flyer