Internet Basics: Using a Web Browser

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Logo of Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari on a white background.

What is this Resource? 

This is an interactive online lesson created by GCF Global that teaches you how to use a Web browser.

What will I learn? 

After you complete this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Explain what a Web browser is and how it functions.
  • Use a variety of common features such as URLs, hyperlinks, navigation buttons, and bookmarks.
  • Employ advanced functions such as downloading files, saving images, and installing/updating plug-ins to meet your needs.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Web Browser
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Navigating
  • Tabbed Browsing
  • Bookmarks
  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
  • Hyperlink
  • Navigation Buttons
  • Tabs
  • Plug-ins

How can I access this resource? 

To access this resource, click on the link below.

Internet Basics: What can you do online?

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