Announcement: UME Marylanders Online is excited to share a newly developed train-the-trainer curriculum, Pratt Adventure & Beyond, designed to support digital navigators and public service staff who provide digital navigation services. These resources were developed in collaboration between Marylanders Online, UMD College of Information (INFO), and Enoch Pratt Free Library.

These curriculum materials are customizable to suit individual and organizational training needs. Please note that this curriculum is in its pilot stage and will be continuously updated. We appreciate your feedback to help us improve.

For any suggestions, please reach out to us at

In partnership with INFO and Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Marylanders Online has produced the Pratt Adventure & Beyond training course. It is a series of self-paced online modules through which current and prospective digital navigators at Enoch Pratt Free Library can gain the tools and skills needed to bring digital navigation and tech support to their communities. 

Click here       to learn more about the Pratt Adventure & Beyond collaborative project with INFO.

Pratt Adventure (Online Courses)

  • Module 1 Pratt

    Computers & Operating Systems

    Start Course
  • Module 2 Pratt

    Mobile Devices

    Start Course
  • Module 3 Pratt

    Internet & Web Browsing

    Start Course
  • Module 4 Pratt

    Email & Communication

    Start Course
  • Module 5 Pratt

    Productivity & Collaboration

    Start Course
  • Module 6 Pratt

    Safe Online Practices

    Start Course
  • Module 7 Pratt


    Start Course
  • Module 8 Pratt

    Mastering Professional Communication & Interpersonal Skills

    Start Course
  • Module 9 Pratt

    Mastering Digital Skills for Everyday Life

    Start Course
  • Module 10 Pratt

    Remote Working & Learning

    Start Course

Pratt Beyond (In-Person Workshop)

pratt workshop

In-person Training Materials:
Lesson Plans, PPT Slides, & Cheat Sheets

Access Resources